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API endpoint

dpaste provides a simple API endpoint to create new snippets. All you need to do is a simple POST request to the API endpoint, usually /api/:


Create a new Snippet on this dpaste installation. It returns the full URL that snippet was created.

Example request:

$ curl -X POST -F "format=url" -F "content=ABC"

User-Agent: curl/7.82.0
Accept: */*

Example response:

  "lexer": "python",
  "url": "",
  "content": "ABC"

Form Parameters

  • content – (required) The UTF-8 encoded string you want to paste.
  • lexer – (optional) The lexer string key used for highlighting. See the CODE_FORMATTER property in Settings for a full list of choices. Default: _code.
  • format - (optional) The format of the API response. Choices are:

    • default — Returns a full qualified URL wrapped in quotes. Example: ""
    • url — Returns the full qualified URL to the snippet, without surrounding quotes, but with a line break. Example:\n
    • json — Returns a JSON object containing the URL, lexer and content of the the snippet. Example:

      "url": "",
      "lexer": "python",
      "content": "The text body of the snippet."
    • expires – (optional) A keyword to indicate the lifetime of a snippet in seconds. The values are predefined by the server. Calling this with an invalid value returns a HTTP 400 BadRequest together with a list of valid values. Default: 2592000. In the default configuration valid values are:

      • onetime — The snippet will be deleted after the first view.
      • never — The snippet will never expire.
      • 3600 — The snippet will expire after one hour.
      • 604800 — The snippet will expire after one week.
      • 2592000 — The snippet will expire after one month.
    • filename - (optional) A filename which we use to determine a lexer, if lexer is not set. In case we can’t determine a file, the lexer will fallback to plain code (no highlighting). A given lexer will overwrite any filename! Example:

        "url": "",
        "lexer": "",
        "filename": "python",
        "content": "The text body of the snippet."

      This will create a python highlighted snippet. However in this example:

        "url": "",
        "lexer": "php",
        "filename": "python",
        "content": "The text body of the snippet."

      Since the lexer is set too, It will create a php highlighted snippet.

Status Codes

  • 200 OK – No Error.
  • 400 Bad Request – One of the above form options was invalid, the response will contain a meaningful error message.


If you have a standalone installation and your API returns `` as the domain, you need to adjust the setting `get_base_url` property. See Settings.

Third party API integration






You can also paste your file content to the API via curl, directly from the command line:

$ alias dpaste="curl -F 'format=url' -F 'content=<-'"
$ cat foo.txt | dpaste


If you wrote or know a third party dpaste plugin or extension, please open an Issue on Github and I will added here.